Contact Rafael Hernandez

Have you had an experience of being raped or sexually assaulted? Know someone who has? Have any thoughts or opinions about rapists? Dreams of what a world without rape could look like? Psychoanalysis of the rapist mindset and how to disrupt it? Violent fantasies or desires of what you’d like to do to rapists?

Well, we’ve got just the outlet for you. It would seem that, while the some of us have spent our lives listening to our friends’ stories of sexual assault, of struggling to avoid everything from non-consentual sexual encounters to rape, Rafael Hernandez has missed out on learning the lesson that other people’s bodies belong to them. Please feel free to call him up and tell him all about it. If anyone other than him picks up the phone and tries to defend him, they might be a good candidate for your story too!

But be careful, if you want to try out your best death threat voice, make sure to acquire a cell phone that can’t be linked to you first!

Call Rafael Hernandez (314) 691-9142

Or visit him at home:

5319 Sunshine Drive, St Louis MO 63109

Or send him an email:

*if you don’t want your email to be traceable, you can send email anonymously at